Hifumi Togo

Venus of Shogi

All art used is official and/or sourced.

Icon source: https://twitter.com/mozuyun/status/1093881870687690757

© All rights reserved.


Hifumi is a young lady who attends Kosei High School. She holds the championship title in the Female Shogi League, a title which she worked to earn in order to continue her sickly father's legacy.

Her appearance has gained her attention as the "too beautiful shogi player," which has sparked many theories that she only wins due to her looks.

She practices hard and gives interviews every day for the sake of her mother and for the world of shogi. She is widely disliked for suspicions of fixing her matches-rumors that turn out to be mostly true, as while she is innocent, her mother bribes her competitors so that Hifumi may win and succeed.

Along with having uncovered the truth that her mother merely made Hifumi into an idol so her mother could bask in fame and fortune, Hifumi discovered she had the potential and awakened to her Persona. Having seeked out the aid of the Phantom Thieves, Hifumi was able to work alongside them to change her mother's heart.

Phantom Thieves

Hifumi Togo
Codename: Morningstar
Melee Weapon: Dual Katana
Ranged Weapon: Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (8 Rounds)
Role: Analysis, Combat

All Phantom Thief Hifumi art was designed by Raymond Lam.

Source is: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aemXz


Similar to her confidant, Hifumi discovers that her mother has been using Hifumi's image and (rigged) victories to further her own desires of fame and wealth.

Seeking out help from the Phantom Thieves, Hifumi enters her mother's palace as well (a theater where her mother is the star).

There she is confronted by her mother treating her like a prop in her grand show, to which Hifumi stands up for herself and denying playing the role she has her whole life; this leads to her awakening to Mu Lan.

Her mother's treasure is a magazine in which Hifumi's photo shoot was the cover; this was the very magazine that showed Hifumi's mother just how much she could profit off her daughter's image, leading to her distorted desires.

Hifumi's confidant progresses the same as usual, until the Mementos request.

Hifumi first confided to Akechi the information about her mother, which led him to inform the rest of the Thieves. It was at this point that the Thieves realized her mother's desires had twisted far beyond what was expected; leading into the discovery of her Palace. With all of this in mind, they were quick to come to her aid.

After her awakening, Akechi and Akira act as her trainers in helping her understand the powers she had just awaken to.


Persona: Mu Lan -> Eris
Arcana: Star
Element: Bless, Almighty
Weakness: Curse
Resistance/Nullify: Bless

'It seems you've finally come to your senses. There was never any hope of her seeing you as more than a pawn if you let her walk all over you. You must grasp your freedom in your own hands... and never anyone dare steal it again! I am thou. Thou art I. We have finally forged a contract. Your life is not hers to control... I will gladly lend your my strength.' - Mu Lan, Hifumi's awakening

Mu Lan is similar in appearance to a mix between Yoshitsune and Siegfried.

Eris is similar in appearance to Kaguya.


Megido InnateAlmighty
Hamaon InnateBless
Apt Pupil InnateSupport
Megidola 56 Almighty
Mahamaon 59Bless
Megidolaon 67 Almighty
Almighty Boost70Support
Morning Star 75Almighty
Debilitate Special (Max rank with Akechi)Support
Survival TrickSpecial (Max rank with Akira)Support
Evade Curse Special (Second awakening)Support

Head Canons

➤ Hifumi is an avid supporter of the Phantom Thieves, even before joining the group

➤ As such, she trusted them to aid her with the situation about her mother

➤ The events of her confidant have passed; her mother has revealed rigging her games after the change of heart

➤ She is working to rebuild the people’s trust in her and win by her own skill.

➤ Hifumi hates the idea of being an idol.

➤ Hifumi is actually a fairly skilled shogi player; despite the revelation about her winnings being rigged, she has won about a little over half of her games since then.

➤ As a Thief, Hifumi serves the role of both support and offense, similar to Makoto. She uses tactical and effective weapons in battle.


Cael Reid
@synesthetia | Hermit | Rank 1 |
Having been assigned to tutor her fellow classmate, Hifumi managed to embarrass herself by getting lost in her theatrics while reading their history assignment. Despite that, she seemed to enjoy her time with the boy, even if he quite literally hadn't spoken a word.

Goro Akechi
@fallencorvus | Justice | Rank 1 |
Meeting on somewhat equal terms over aggressive 'fans,' the two talked for some time in the church.

Ryuji Sakamoto
@BadBoyBurglar | Chariot | Rank 2 |
Having been 'saved' from a particularly annoying fan by her bodyguard and believing he was genuinely nice, Hifumi decided to truly give their deal a shot. To ease their nerves after the situation, the pair went to the ramen shop.

Torriku Lupin
@EyewearThief | Fool | Rank 8 |
Having confided in Torriku about her mother's intention to rig all of her shogi games, Hifumi had unknowingly given him the go to change her mother's heart. She is starting to suspect something about the involvement of the Phantom Thieves.


It's good to meet you all! My name is Ant, I'm 20 years old and have been writing for a little over two years now. PST timezone. My DMs or mentions are always open for plotting or just talking. I am a college student, so please be patient with me if I do not get to replies right away. If you'd like, I can make a set of sprites for your character, so long as credit is given. Feel free to send a starter, so long as it complies with my following rules!

➤ Single-ship

➤ Please credit me if you're using sprites I made for you

➤ 18+ is not allowed.
➤ Will unfollow people being/writing explicitly lewd content on the tl. That sort of thing stays in DMs where it belongs so people won't get uncomfortable
➤ Will NOT RP lewd on the tl
➤ Will NOT RP rape, incest, pedophilia, vore or bestiality (Not following this rule WILL result in a block)

➤ Ask before jumping into my DMs for RP.

➤ Please soft block (block then unblock) if you choose to unfollow.
➤ I reserve the right to unfollow if anything about your account genuinely makes me uncomfortable or you broke multiple of my rules.

➤ Will NOT respond to one word starters like "Hi" or "Hello" unless it's just for writer talk or out of character

➤ Not multiverse. The only exception is other Persona games

➤ No godmodding. It's just not fun.

➤ All art posted is official or sourced